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Text-Operator  Example 

This operator renders text in various styles. Unlike to other programs
whole text-files can be used and edited.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       output buffer
Style                                       render-style
            NORMAL                           use the font without applying
                                             any changes, this method should be
                                             selected using color-fonts
            OUTLINE                          draw outlines of the selected font
            EMBOSS                           produce a threedimensional look
Adjust      LEFT, CENTERED, RIGHT           text-adjustment, this setting has only an effect when
                                            plotting more than one line of text
Red,        0...255                         text-color
Green,      0...255
Blue        0...255
Strength    pixels                          thickness of the outline drawed around the
                                            text in OUTLINE- or EMBOSS-mode
Intensity   float                           light-intensity (1.0=normal)
LightX,     pixels                          light-position
LightY,     pixels
LightZ      pixels
HSkip       pixels                          additional space between two lines
Select Font (gadget)                        select the font to use for all lines
Add         (gadget)                        add a line of text
Kill        (gadget)                        delete the selected line
Up          (gadget)                        move the selected line up
Down        (gadget)                        move the selected line down
Clear       (gadget)                        clear all lines of text
Import      (gadgt)                         import text from a file
Export      (gadget)                        save the current text to disk